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Pest control excellence, guaranteed!

Exterminator Montreal

Welcome to Exterminator Montréal, your trusted partner for complete pest control solutions in different industries. Whether it's for residences, industrial facilities, commercial businesses, or even disinfection of tankers and boats, we have the right solution for your needs.






Located in Montreal, our services extend over a vast territory. From Saint-Agathe-des-Monts to Laval, through the entire island of Montreal and the South Shore to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, we are determined to protect your property against unwanted pests.


Put your trust in Exterminator Montréal, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effective pest control and exceptional customer service. 


  • Protection against ants

  • Protection against bed bugs

  • Protection against birds

  • Protection against cockroaches

  • Protection against flies

  • Protection against rodents

  • Protection against spiders

  • Protection against wild animals

We believe in safety.

We prioritize your well-being and comfort, using products that not only eliminate pests, but also keep you and the environment safe.


Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our rigorous selection of products, all certified by the Québec Ministry of Environment. This ensures that our methods are not only efficient, but also environmentally friendly, aligning with the highest standards of sustainability.


We are proud to source from Guardex Canada, a reliable supplier known for its dedication to quality and safety. With us, you can be sure that every step we take, from product selection to application, is rooted in ensuring your safety and preserving our environment.



What you need to know about ants:

Ants exhibit diverse behaviors, have varied diets, and reside in different habitats, with life cycles exhibiting unique characteristics. Eradicating ant colonies can be a challenge, hence the importance of identifying the specific ant species responsible for the problem. One of the most destructive ant species in Canada is the carpenter ant, which is known to nest in wood and eventually cause structural damage to homes. If you are looking for an effective elimination of carpenter ants, call on the expertise of Exterminateur Montréal to see your infestation decrease.


Pharaoh ants, on the other hand, are among the smallest species and establish their nests in various places indoors, such as walls, cupboards and refrigerators. Additionally, some species, such as the red harvester ant, create bare areas in gardens by digging into the soil.


Whatever the species, all ants share a common quest: food. Using protein and sugar traps through DIY methods is an effective way to control ant populations, as ants are particularly attracted to sugary, meaty, and fatty foods. Regular sanitation practices are essential to deter these tiny invaders from entering homes and businesses.

Most species of ants build their nests in the ground, although exceptions exist. For example, the carpenter ant prefers to nest in wood, and although it does not consume it, it burrows into decaying wood to create living spaces.


Worker ants are responsible for foraging inside properties and then they report their findings back to the colony. Queens play a crucial role in the life cycle, laying small eggs which hatch after about one to two weeks into larvae. Remarkably, queens can continue to lay eggs for many years as they establish new nests. Ant lifespans vary by species, with carpenter ant colonies typically surviving for about 3 to 6 years.



What you need to know about bed bugs:

Bed bugs go through a gradual transformation process through three life stages: egg, nymph and adult. Nymphs are small versions of adults, and range in size from 2.5 mm at birth to about 4.5 mm when fully grown.


Identification of bed bugs is based on their oval shape, length, and reddish-brown color. Although they are usually flat, their size increases when they feed on blood, making them longer and fatter. They can be spotted by looking for reddish-brown spots or eggs on the sheets.


During the day, bed bugs hide in cracks and crevices, only to come out at night to feed on blood on hosts. Their meal usually lasts three to ten minutes, and usually takes place without the host realizing it. After feeding, the bites left by bedbugs can be itchy and inflamed.


The lifespan of bed bugs is usually four to six months, but they can survive up to five years by going several months without feeding. A single female can lay between 200 and 500 eggs in her lifetime, or one to five eggs per day. The eggs hatch after about seven days, and it usually takes 21 days from egg hatch to development into an adult bed bug. During development, young bedbugs molt five times before reaching adulthood, taking a blood meal between each molt.


Bedbug populations have the ability to multiply rapidly, doubling their numbers approximately once every 16 days. This ability to reproduce quickly is one of the reasons why bed bug infestations can become a major problem if not dealt with quickly and effectively.



What you need to know about birds:

The diversity of birds is reflected in their classification into two distinct categories. The first category includes the so-called early birds, among which are water birds such as ducks, geese, and other land birds. From birth, these birds are incredibly mobile, opening their eyes and usually leaving the nest after only a few days. They set off in search of water and food, guided by their mother. Although they rely on their mother to learn how to find food and survive, these birds show some independence from a young age.


The second category is birds that grow more slowly, including songbirds such as blackbirds, finches and chickadees, as well as corvids such as blue jays, crows and magpies. When they are born, these birds are naked and blind, entirely dependent on the attentive care of their parents during the early stages of their lives. It is in the nests that we find this type of bird.

All birds lay eggs, but the quantity varies, with some laying only one egg at a time while others lay several.


When it comes to their lifespan, the majority of birds live for an average of two to five years, although some may exceed this period. For example, the average age of a blue tit is about 2.7 years, but the oldest blue tit on record lived for over 21 years! This diversity in terms of development and longevity adds to the wonder of these fascinating creatures of our skies.


Hummingbirds are incredible aerial acrobats, able to stay suspended in the air by rapidly flapping their wings. But did you know that they are the only birds capable of flying backwards? Yes, you heard right! Hummingbirds have a unique wing structure and exceptional flight abilities that allow them to maneuver with great precision.


This fascinating ability allows them not only to fly forward, but also to hover, fly sideways, and even perform graceful backward flights, making them one of the most remarkable and agile creatures in the world. kingdom of birds.

Cockroach exterminator near me


What you need to know about cockroaches:

Cockroaches belong to the order Blattodeans and boast an impressive total of 3,500 species across the globe. In Canada, four prominent species reside - the American cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach, the German cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. These tenacious pests frequently infiltrate heated structures where they find plenty of food, water and places to hide. A real nuisance, cockroaches can contaminate food and spread disease by roaming food preparation areas, making them particularly difficult to eliminate on your own.


Notably, the German cockroach is a widespread household pest, often choosing to take up residence in kitchens and bathrooms. Meanwhile, smaller species like the brown-banded cockroach deftly hide in tight spaces such as cracks in wallpaper, electrical appliances, shower units, and under furniture. Additionally, the American cockroach has a preference for infesting sewage systems.


Cockroaches mainly emerge at night to feed, but they can sometimes be seen during the day. Their diets vary, with most preferring sweets, meats, and starches, while the American cockroach, for example, is more eclectic in taste, consuming rotting matter, leaves, and smaller insects.


If your home or business offers warm, damp, and humid hiding places, cockroaches will happily grab them. To ensure a permanent solution to cockroach infestations, it's time to contact Exterminateur Montreal for professional assistance. Our experienced team can effectively tackle cockroach infestations and put in place long-lasting measures to maintain a pest-free environment.



What you need to know about flies:

Flies belong to the order Diptera, meaning "two-winged". With more than 110,000 species of flies found worldwide, five important species are found in Canada: green blow flies, cluster flies, drain flies, fruit flies and house flies. Although more prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions, flies tend to invade homes and businesses in search of food. However, they also pose a health risk by carrying bacteria and spreading disease, making them difficult pests to eliminate on your own. This is why effective extermination of flies is essential for Exterminateur Montreal.


All species of flies carry potentially harmful bacteria. Whether it is the house fly, the fruit fly or the cluster fly, they can come into contact with pathogenic agents by landing on waste, then contaminate the surfaces they frequent. Depending on the region and species, these flying insects can transmit diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid, among others.


Flies are attracted to food preparation and food waste, whether it is inside buildings or in garbage cans outside. Some species of flies can even breed in sewers or garbage cans, leading to indoor infestations. On cold days they will seek warmth from heated buildings, while on hot days they will be drawn to cool air. Since flies mainly breed outdoors, in places such as garbage, animal droppings, and decaying matter, they can carry bacteria inside your home.


It is therefore essential to take adequate measures to eliminate these harmful pests. If you are faced with a fly infestation, it's time to call on Exterminateur Montreal for professional extermination. Our specialists can effectively eradicate these pests and put in place preventive measures to maintain a fly-free environment that is safe for you and your family's health.



What you need to know about rodents:

Many rodents share a remarkable ability to squeeze through tiny holes and openings with ease. Endowed with surprising agility, mice, for example, are able to infiltrate cracks and crevices as narrow as a pencil. This skill allows them to enter homes and commercial buildings that have construction defects.


Rodents are mammals that have in common the continuous growth of the incisors of their jaw. Resistant species found on every continent except Antarctica, the most common rodents found in Canadian homes and businesses are house mice, Norway rats and squirrels.


With 13 species of mice and 4 species of rats found in Canada, rodents cause property damage, spread disease and constantly seek shelter in homes and businesses during the winter months. These adaptable creatures can be found in a variety of environments, and their ability to gnaw through materials makes them an ongoing challenge for owners. It is essential to take effective measures to control rodent infestations and protect your property from their potential harmful effects.


In general, house mice prefer to settle in dark and isolated areas to escape disturbances. As for Norway rats (Norway rats) and voles, they prefer underground shelters. When it comes to food, house mice and squirrels have a fondness for grains and seeds, while rats prefer meat and fish.Overall, rodents are excellent climbers and rats, in addition to being nocturnal creatures, are proving to be good swimmers.


The average lifespan of rodents also varies by species. For example, small voles typically live between three and six months, while gray rats have an average lifespan of less than three years. Due to their insatiable destructive nature, these rodents use their constantly growing incisors to gnaw through wires and cables in homes and commercial premises, while their claws allow them to easily feed and dig.

Spider control near me


What you need to know about spiders:

Various species of spiders prefer dark, moist environments, often finding refuge in caves, tree hollows, shrubs, the ground, or under rocks. Inside homes, they are frequently found in basements, garages, or other dark, quiet spaces, weaving their webs. Spiders enter homes through cracks and holes in walls or by taking advantage of open doors, feeding mainly on flying insects.


Most spiders found in Canada can bite if they feel threatened. Additionally, they are well known to cause psychological distress in people with arachnophobia. Although they are more of an annoyance than a danger, the mere sight of spiders can sometimes instill fear, thus justifying their elimination.


Spiders, eight-legged arthropods, are widespread throughout the world and breathe air. There are over 40,000 species of spiders in the world, many of which are found in Canada. Among these Canadian species are black and yellow garden spiders, cellar spiders, house spiders, false black widow spiders, wolf spiders and jumping spiders. As predators, spiders feed mainly on insects, other spiders, and sometimes even small reptiles. They have two body parts, the cephalothorax and the abdomen, and most of them have eight eyes arranged in different ways.


Spiders are also known to weave webs, and the type of web weaved can be used to identify the species. Webs play a crucial role in how they hunt, and they vary depending on each spider's methods and preferences.


Although the vast majority of spiders in Canada are harmless, there are two types of poisonous spiders found here: the brown recluse and the black widow spider. Fatal spider bites are rare, but they can cause swelling, pain, and cramping. In the case of the brown recluse, its bite can cause tissue necrosis at the site of the bite. For this reason, it is important to take precautions and seek professional help when dealing with potentially dangerous spider infestations.

Racoon Extermination Near me

Wild animals

Bats, Opossums, Raccoons and Skunks

What you need to know about wild animals:

Pest wild animals, mostly mammals, remain active for much of the year. Spring can be a time when you face more problems, especially when giving birth to certain species.For example, brown bats, whether large or small, are active throughout the year. Larger bats are continuously active, while smaller bats are active every month except December, January and February.


Raccoons are active for seven months of the year, from April to October. Although opossums do not hibernate, they always seek dry, safe, and sheltered roosts during the winter, but remain active the rest of the year. Skunks, on the other hand, are active all year round, from January to December. It is common to find abandoned skunk dens towards the end of February.


Bats: These creatures prefer to shelter in dark and dry places like attics, basements and chimneys. Feeding primarily on insects such as beetles, moths, and mosquitoes, some species are also known for their blood-based diets. Bats have a fascinating feature: echolocation, allowing them to orient themselves by emitting high-frequency sounds and analyzing echoes.


Possums: These opportunistic animals can be difficult to keep away once they find a comfortable place in your space. Solitary and nomadic, they settle where food is abundant.

Raccoons: With nimble front legs, raccoons excel at climbing, digging, and manipulating objects. They have a wide range of vocalizations, from squeals and purrs, to chirps, growls, and moans.


Skunks: These long-bodied, short-legged animals prefer open areas of forests and can also be found in urban settings across Canada. They are nocturnal and their limited eyesight makes them more sensitive to sounds and smells. A sudden approach risks spooking them and triggering their fearsome defense mechanism: spraying.

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